Thursday, November 1, 2007

It's Been A Long Time--I Shouldn't've Left You...

By the way, the word "shouldn't've" has a LOT of syllables.
A big round of applause to all who are able to pull it off with ease.

I can't quite explain why I haven't had much to say lately. Work has been a *****, personal life a slight reflection of such, and you know, one thing leads to another.

I can say, I'm glad that I have God, friends, knitting, singing, and happiness (and the potential for more in the near future) on my side.

I've been preparing for a trunk sale on November 17th here in Manhattan, by making many scarves, which will hopefully translate into much money. Because I am choosing broke right now. If I can keep up with this savings schedule (of not really shopping at all) I can save enough money by the end of the year when I may need it.

I would like a new laptop. I think I'm gonna go with a Mac this time. The ads have sunk into my psyche and Mr. PC isn't looking so hot anymore.

Fall has finally fallen. This fact has a large potential to make me happy, except that I can't seem to figure out what has happened to my wardrobe.

I haven't read much in a while.

There's so much to do with so little time.
Right now I'm listening to Richard Smallwood's Persuaded Live in D.C. If you've heard it, you know God's power through it.

I'd like to go to Central Park and walk with someone who I know well enough to know I don't know all there is to know of them. And to talk and learn more.

I hope to be patient and to not make the rash decisions that I've made in the past, and that have led me nowhere closer to my real destiny.
At the same time, I wish to not waste my time listening to sounds unpleasant and seemingly necessary for growth--I want to listen and allow goodness to come into me. If I must listen through filters, so be it. Let God be that filter. Or let me use my brain and wits to sort through all the stuff out there.

I'm in the place where it's necessary to be conscious of my temple, while trusting that God will do the guarding while I do the living.

1 comment:

twentytwo said...

this is one of the most honest and calming things i've read for a while. i know, arin, you're asking...calm? but it is. it's a sort of way you've come to where you are, and asked for what you want. it's so beautiful. i'm under the impression right now that there is a bit of revolution going on under all our noses...let's make some noise.