Friday, February 1, 2008

Thoughts for Paris... (1st days)

"...there seems to be a conflict for americans: we must get educated and get goods job. in the midst of this all, we must learn foreign languages. perhaps it is because of our distance from the base whence we came, but here, i see italians speaking italian and so on. why do i feel such pressure to learn, toforce my way into the language. i will/have now decided to want to learn the language as it comes. i will do as i have planned and will live here in paris learning as i go taking it all in. making friends. forcing them to go with me, to speak slowly as i venture out onto the boughs of francais....."

let's take this as some semblance of a journal entry...that doesn't really make sense, and kind of contradicts one of my more recent blogs
but i wrote it, and i wrote it w/ my blog in mind, so this is for you
charge any inconsistencies to the language gap :)


Anonymous said...

numba...i love it!

Anonymous said...

Paris effects you, you don't effect it. Learn/Speak the language, drink lots of coffee, hang out in the Marais, stand in the middle of the square outside the Bibliotheque National, walk along the Seine on the left side and watch the Eiffel tower at night. It is perhaps the most breathtakingly beautiful city I have seen. You don't need a man in Paris (though they are always fun to have ESPECIALLY in Paris!) cause you'll end up in love with yourself for simply being there and being so cool.


Needless to say I am jealous.