Wednesday, December 31, 2008

so it's a new year

and in thegeneral tradition, i'm supposed to make a lists of resolutions
but i haven't really thought about it
i just left my good friend negarra's house and toasted in the new year with new friends all around
i suggest it as a new beginning for anyone tired of the club scene

i know i may be a lil late, but there is no time like the present, so here's my list, developing as i continue breathing in this moment
by the way, it should be mentioned that my new year's eve's eve was filled with lots of thought and tears, which i was thankful for and which very likely influenced the list i'm conceptualizing right now
here goes:
1-approach love and its possibility with recklessness, because i may only get one chance to share the love that's been given me
2-be wise, not only in the sharing and passing on of wisdom, but in my personal life and matters
3-pray out loud for the things that i NEED first, and then what i want
4-be fully committed in mind and actions to the goals i want to achieve: performing more often, writing and publishing songs, being a good friend always, making arinmaya-made a viable business
5-let go of the things/people/relationships that don't lift me up
6-recognize that though it's not ALL about me, a whole lot of it really is all about ME
7-achieve a level of financial comfort through a channel that brings me happiness and peace
8-keep traveling
9-continue to clear out the things i have that i don't need
10-explore the possibility of yes before suggesting "no"

i love you all--happy new year, happiness, peace, possibility and prosperity!

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