Wednesday, December 3, 2008

have you ever...?

done something you knew you would regret the minute you decided "yes"?

this morning i woke up a teensy bit early and so decided to get my extra fifteen minutes in
when i woke up again, i realized i had take another 30+ minutes instead--oops
when i finally rolled out of bed though, i was glad to have gotten the extra sleep. i felt refreshed.
so much so that i thought to myself: self, you're gonna be cute today

once i got out of the shower i knew i was going to wear my jeans that are too long, which means i had to wear heels (enter stupid moment)
which heels?
the green rounded toe heels from nine west that i haven't EVER worn before
greatly horrible idea!
and so now, i stand witness to pain and the fact that i could have avoided this had i just listened to myself as i put them on, debated about them and the initial pain, which i dismissed as temporary...the LIES

word of the day: don't lie to yourself--you know the truth standing before you
word no. 2: don't wear uncomfortable shoes--it's NEVER worth it, and if you can avoid it, don't even BUY them!

1 comment:

Weléla M. Kindred said...

i love you!
great way with the words, and I can see the green shoes too.
keep writing lovely.