Sunday, April 20, 2008

what are you doing in your life?

...well actually i'm focusing on writing songs right now, getting ready to record some standards during my last few days here in france, then getting ready (mentally prepped) to come back to the states and duke it out with anyone who would tell me "you can't" or any variation therein

...trying to get my money right, after an absolutely amazing trip to the south of France (nice, monaco, and a little italy...not to be confused with nyc's little italy)

...enjoying my few days off from work, since the little girl (Mery) and her grandmother both went to Martinique (where their family is from) to be present for the funeral of Aimé Césaire, since they're close family friends--yes...WOW

...waking up to sunny mornings, ready but still sleepy-eyed while giving thanks to God for another chance

...missing my friends and family, but getting excited about coming back, 'cause there really is no place like home

...working (every now and then) to update my myspace page, which doesn't have much updated info on it, other than pics. check it out:

...loving me and life, 'cause "this ain't no dress rehearsal!"

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