Monday, April 21, 2008

Sometimes I feel like a wordless mouth...

(so here's to a few words i love spoke/wrote by some great people i know...or want to):

Equal, fair and decent political representation is our birthright. Take ownership.
--Raquel Wilson, founder of

i'll do my darius-lovehall-up-the-stairs-creep just to share something beautiful with you. it's my pleasure to court you.
--Akoben, poet and much more,

history is like a clock it tells a people where they are,
where they have been and where they should go. History in relationship to
the people is like the relationship of a mother to a child.
--Vernon Mitchell, historian and PhD candidate

i hope paris is stinky with the stench of freedom and life and exploration. from what you write, smells like it is.
--Joy Marie Conway, my soulfunksister and singer and Master's candidate

more to come...i'm just celebrating the angels who lift me up everyday
love and light

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