Sunday, December 13, 2009


you don't know i write
it, unfortunately, means you don't know much about me at all

i won't accept responsibility for you not knowing either

and i don't write just because i always loved the idea of spelling bees
yea, i can spell that
but i just like the way the buttons feel under me
there is a reason the fingers have padding
good for touching AND typing

what if you don't like my voice but you like my voice?
turns out there are a million ways (or maybe 10...or less) to voice any chord

how do you sound?
when you speak
when you yell
when you dance
when you move
when you sing
when you breathe

when you're asleep what are you twirling towards
that's all i'm saying

this dance i do with my fingers
it starts somewhere inside me
edging on the skirts of out
wanting heart and beat
digging inside my soul for another reason to be grateful
ain't hard to find

i'm just here to do what it is i'm called to do what i be doing when i breathe easiest


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