Sunday, November 23, 2008

40 dollars

tonight, 40 dollars got me the chance to see Maxwell hump a microphone stand
it's still worth it 8 years later, though i didn't pay the first time...
after the concert, 3 dollars and seventy cents got me three bags of supposed rice chips (with autolyzed yeast extract--what is that? yeast, no doubt) and a bottle of water i don't want to drink because it's cold
i do better to drink at room temp
this morning after church 4 dollars got me 4 dollars and 38 cents worth of turkey (smoked and sausalito)--don't judge me, it's this candida cleanse i'm on that has my diet all wacked out--, and a small but hearty bag of pistachios, which, by the way, i like eating in public because people like to see the challenge of the breaking open of new grounds, or different types of nuts--go fig
one thing about me, i don't like paying for food
so check this last story before i sign off:
last night, it cost me nothing but my pretty little self to get an amazing bowl of butternut squash soup and two cups of peppermint tea--read: it was FREE.99

word of the day:
be your pretty little self every day--you'd be surprised how far it'll get you

next post will be about the show i did last week with johnny voltik at solomon's porch on november 20
in short it was great--next show is december 16th at public assembly in williamsburg

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