Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Problem with Doubt Is...

that it moves you no place
makes you stagnant and useless to any cause
and perpetuates itself in the eyes of all who watch you stand still on its face

Is anyone else tired of hearing this as an excuse?
My worry is there's just too many people in this country who aren't ready to elect a black president


WeAm said...

"They're convinced [Obama] is a Muslim, a terrorist, a guy who's coming to take away their guns. It's just sad."

That one made me laugh a little. When it comes to the learned and taught behaviors of racism, the doubt is really fear that Obama will win, and the Black man will run the country.
Words are virile (or viral)---my spelling needs work. They, full of biases that spreads that viru--- um, seed, affect the moods opinions of others. We speak our actions into existence. In other words, our speech in like John the Baptist hyping up the works (actions) of Jesus, or the prayer delivered before the minister takes the pulpit. Whosoever is able to communicate to people will change their actions. And who communicates to masses, sways their opinions. So when we get things like, "Obama just doesn't sound right for an American president," it's not surprising. One of my 10 y/o students said he likes Hillary because Barack is Bin Laden's brother. Ignorance has a big microphone with a lot of distortion. Truth will always drown out the noise.

"Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother."
---Khalil Gibran

T said...

Oh yeah. I'm sick of it. I'm also sick of hearing about things that have never been done before. Some article said that no President has ever won the general election without winning West Virginia. So TF what!

No black man or woman has ever gotten this far in the democratic primary. You don't see them sitting around showing statistics of things that have never been done, do you? (Except maybe Obama raising more money than any democratic candidate in the primaries EVER!)

I digress. Yes, I want people to be optimistic. What's the worst that could happen? I mean, the country could go to war, be in the middle of a recession, have a dummy for a president and take race relations backwards 20 years or so... oh wait, that's what's going on right now.

Kool.Kid.Kris said...

Agreed. Doubt is an infectious disease that's trying to spread like wildfire amongst those wavering already and complacent with the same old.
A change is feel in the air, in the wind. I'll choose to look at the glass half full until the end.
Love ya! xo

Anonymous said...

don't even get me started....