Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My hands

So for those of you who know me, you know I'm an avid DO-er
meaning I have trouble sitting still and doing nothing
I don't watch much television (though what I do watch has been critiqued as being less that worthy--p-shaw Mike Webb!...i will have you know that many an educated woman (and man) gets a dose of GOOD TIMES from America's Next Top Model. And a whole host of designer-wannabes has been born from indulging in Project Runway.
Don't knock it til you know it!

I digress.

My hands are tools I like to keep busy under God's watch, and not satan's.
I knit, i crochet, i dance (sometimes), i cook (less sometimes than i dance), and i meet people and shake hands...i also hold onto the nasty poles on new york city subways--ew. And I guess it's pretty obvious that I write too.
But more than JUST write random thoughts (like I do here) I write poetry. If you knew me as a blogger before noseandeyelashes, you knew me for my soulbaring words written at

I'd been planning on putting together a book of poetry, and even had a good friend helping me with editing, but upon undertaking the editing of the book/manuscript found myself frozen and dumbfounded with (1) the amount of work that it needed, and (2) all the heart I'd put into it that was going to require me to really relive so many memories of some very interesting/dramatic/wonderful/not so great relationships (argh!)...
i decided to leave it alone

but just a couple days ago, a good friend who'd drifted away like sunshine behind a cloud (you'll catch on), came back to light and asked me about my book. i said "i had to let it go for a little while," only to pick it up the very next day.

I'm telling you all this so you can be in prayer with me about yet another of my God sent endeavors: getting this book done (on my end) and one day (no big rush) published. I think it's timely enough to come out now or in a year. I'm patient and I know my [stuff] is hot.

It's just a matter of God's time and my hand obeying what He says.
(By the way, this whole entry was just an excuse to share with you this short piece:

i don't know why you didn't save me when i knew and you knew you could
it hurt me to see your back when i thought we could see each other eye to eye
i decided i didn't know you at all
and instead of coming back to the potential of you turning your back on me twice in one year
i have stayed away
keeping myself busy with life
and dreams not you

--re-typing it now, it's definitely more a reflection, but i still like my words. it may not make the cut for the book, but it's how i felt. hopefully you can feel it to--or your version of it.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love it ................. just do the god-damn book girl
