Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Good Gospel Music

It's not so hard to find, necessarily, but there are a few groups that always make my spirit glad.

Right now, I'm listening to MDM & Voices, a gospel group in (Dallas, I think) Texas, whose music is just amazing! Myron Williams is the director and I promise you won't be disappointed if you just give it a quick listen.

I'm also a huge fan of Kirk Franklin in all his many robes. He's a favorite all the way from the "Silver & Gold" days, up to "It's Over Now" and "Love".
If you haven't already grabbed the Hero CD, it will change your life. I promise you this. SO many positive songs including the title track: "Hero," "Imagine Me," and "The Appeal." The collection of beautiful voices and the powerful messages in each song make for an amazing musical experience for listeners of all faiths and religions.

And of course I can't leave out Uncle Fred. Fred Hammond's voice, spirit, and arranging ability are ridiculous! One of my favorite songs of all time is "You Were Much Closer" from his Pages of Life CD. He also has a CD called "In Case You Missed It"

Please, please check him out--and everyone else mentioned here too--and help me out by listing your own gospel greats. I've certainly only started this conversation. There's a MUCH more to be said, indeed.

Thank you Jesus, for another day to live and praise your name.

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