Saturday, January 26, 2008


I'm going to meet a friend of a friend, Valerie.
We'll meet in center city and I don't know what we'll do, but she's really nice, as we've spoken a couple of times already. She speaks english which is nice, but I must say (je dois dire) that I think I'm lazy.
Additionally, I was thinking the other day (after reading a few pages of Eat, Love, Pray) about what I like and don't like, and how it's important to me right now to identify these things, so that I can come as close to doing the things I like, or at least the things that are tolerable, as opposed to just doing whatever and being less than pleased with the outcome.
I think the exercise is good for us all.
I'll love to hear what you do that you actually like, and what you don't like, and what things you don't like that are tolerable, versus the things you really really can't stand to do, and you yourself don't even understand why you make yourself available for those things.
I'll be waiting...

One last thing-just before I left NYC, my cousin, Serena, moved in. I am in love with her. She's one of those distant family members who I've never really had the chance to sit with and get to know over the course of a week that was just there to spare. (By the way, the concept of time to spare is really amazing if you sit and enjoy it. Try it sometimes. I think you'll love yourself for having done it.)
Anyway during the time when Serena and I were identifying the kindredness of our spirits, she kind of mentioned how i better not ever have my "talented" hands idle...or something like that, just based on what few things she saw that I'd crocheted/knit.
I mention this because her words inspired me and I'm really excited to have seen (in a thrift store in Paris!) the other day [l'autre jour] a small purse whose design I'm right now [maintenant] working to re-create.
Pray with and for me--I'll do the same for you [la meme pour vous].

Avec amour et beaucoup de bisous,
(With love and many kisses,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that you love the world... have a wonderful trip. I will take it with you one day.. I hope.
