Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Blogger est actuellement indisponsable!!!

Ehh alors!

So I (must) started to write this blog in the body of an email, and then re-post it to the actual BLOG.
Je suis desolee (i am sorry)

I have a few very important happenings i need to share with you all and i didn't want to forget any of them, so here i go:
TODAY was wonderful and sad all at once i'm in conversation avec mon ami florence maintenant and she just reminded me that STA travel (the way i got here) cuts off at age 2.
And their tickets are really pretty cheap (trop marche) so if you have any plans of traveling for cheap and you're UNDER 26, take a look
This is NOT an ad for you to come visit me (necessarily)...i'll be sure to take a pic of mon chambre (room) so you understand how serious it is

Anyway, check STA
So....back to today
it was sad outside because it was a little rainy
i had hardly been able to wake up this morning
as in i COULDN'T get up
my body wouldn't agree with the little bit of light outside
so i went back to sleep after i left my bed
on my makeshift couch/terence's mattress
he had left--that's never motivation for me to get up either

so i slept for a while today
but to my credit we had stayed up late last night
3 something i think
anyway, when i finally got up i listened to some song by jill scott from her live cd--which i just GOT from my friend
anyway, the song was "gotta get up"
i know i'm plus tard (late), but pardonnez-moi s'il vous plait (if you please)
anyway so the song must have really inspired me (cause i played it several times) but also because i wrote my own song when i was in the shower
i think i'll post it on my myspace page...maybe not today, but still here it is, in case you don't know of it (
i was very happy with the song--if you hear it, let me know what you think
anyway, so once i did finally get OUT of the room, here are the things i did:

1ere/1st-I went to alliance francaise, where i was just on time (god's grace) to take a placement exam...i placed into the level B1, which is supposedly intermediate or something--YAY
je commence la semaine prochaine (i start next week)
i'll be taking only oral classes at the beginning, on wednesdays and fridays (two weeks at first) for 3 hours each day, so 6 hours par semaine
i think that's not such a bad idea--and it made me VERY happy

2eme/2nd-I was walking around after paying for the class, feeling very accomplished...i was taking pictures with the camera with b+w film...then i saw a sign i should have photographed (and will do later) reminding me of the bibliotheque (that's right...library) down the street that i wanted badly to visit...i have been itching to get a library card and have the liberty to get and read books in french!
so i went, asked for a carte/card, and got one!
how easy and wonderful!!!! i got four books, including one of my favorites: the handmaid's tale, by margaret atwood--i'm excited to try to read it in french

3eme/3rd-i felt so glad and proud (and needed a bag/sac to carry my books in) so i bought some pretty bread, picture forthcoming, and my first REAL croissant! (sorry margaret, i forgot to take a pic before i ate time)

(there's more that happened, but that's the weirder part of my day, including a random guy who thought it'd be nice to follow me a bit, pleading me in french to pay attention to him, following which i let him buy me fast food (lol, it's what i get), and then gave him the wrong number. JE CONNAIS--c'est pas la meilleure chose a faire ici, mais qu'est ce que je peux faire??!?....I KNOW--it's not the best thing to do here, but what am i to do??!?.......when i finally ditched him, and i mean that with all genuineness, i got on the 1st of 3 trains it would take me to get home (because i just wanted to get away from his and his discomfort--it wasn't all bad but by the end i was glad to be going) and on the 2nd train i found this absolutely adorable man, who kept looking and smiling at me :) and who i got off the train with, after he kindly, though subtly let me know his stop was next--how polite!--and gave my real number. i'm certain he's older than me, but only in the way every other man i've dated in the past year has been... :)...then i finally made it back home, after having to wait for my roomie, tant pis! (too bad) and tried my best to be nice to the guy who's great except for bad body odeur--ughhh....some things just can't be revoir stinky man!)
ahhhh paris!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i knew you would be pimping in paris!