Monday, April 28, 2008

...did you throw up the hook...?!?!?

oh how I love my pastor bka Uncle Pops...enjoy truth as it unfolds (you may even laugh til you cry)

(and feel free to ignore the part in the last video when the guy who was recording this whole spiel (thanks!) starts talking...unnecessary)


E. Nebula said...

Yes girl! Thanks for posting this!!!!! Truth!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rev Wright is off the chain. White America, definitely ain't goin for the "angry/proud/militant" black man. Not to mention, although he's a knowledgeable guy, his timin couldn't be worse. Obama is on a mission that requires "tact" and "humility". Religion and politics don't mix...and because an association has been made (by Obama) between himself and Rev Wright, white America, is going to twist and turn this as much as they can to make sure black America becomes collectively disorganized. We must stay collectively organized...we must keep our eye on the prize. The more we focus on Rev Wright, the more the media does, and the more attention his agenda gets. Remember, this isn't about his agenda...its about Obama's...and our collective agenda to get him in office.

arinmaya said...

hitek, i think you raise very valid points--well said, indeed. but the most valid to me is that the association was made by Barack. Rev is my pastor and while I do think there's a good chance (and hope so too) that Barack can make moves towards that big white house, I'm not required to turn away from a man I know as well as Rev. That said, timing is a LOT. My mother said it best yesterday when I was disturbed by Barack's (to me) once again disappointing distancing from Rev. She said Barack could (and maybe should) have left the church before he started the campaign, because Reverend Wright hasn't changed since he joined. If I was there and I know he's only being himself, how does Barack (however many years my senior) not know? I know it's politics and all, but the point is, it could have been avoided. And to me, I'd rather have seen him make one punk move upfront, than have to see him bowing down all these consecutive times, especially without any guarantee that he's IN the door.
To the desire to get him in office, I'm with Rev. "What God has for him it is for him."
And to finish up, a quotable from one of my best friends in the WORLD earlier today: "I truly hope Barack wins now....I mean it would be TERRIBLE for him to sell out someone he's been friends with for 20 years and LOSES."

i appreciate your comment immensely-your articulation is on point and it leans not towards opinionatedness (new word) but the goals. and it's important to be able to see where we're going (even if we don't like the route.)
i hope we get there...