Monday, September 17, 2007

New Discovery

I should be clear with you from the beginning.
As much as I love you, and as much as what I do is, in essence for you, it's really all about me.
So when I find something new that makes me tingle, or just simply excites me (even for a mere 30 seconds) I'm gonna post it, right here and right then...or now, depending

My most recent discovery (and some of you might think I'm a bit late) is Trader Joe's!
It's absolutely wonderful.
They have just about anything your stomach can desire, and at affordable prices.
Different from Whole Foods, Trader Joe's offers a friendly atmosphere with fruit at prices like $0.10/banana. Where are you gonna find that in New York?
You're not, is the answer.

I just got a box of cereal (Ginger & Almond Cashew Granola to be exact) for a mere $2.49. Just yesterday I was in conversation with some friends about how hard it is to eat healthy these days. And how cereal costs something like $6 these days!
To be healthy, we'd have to go to the grocery store at least twice a week, and for that we'd have to be soccer moms (no offense) without our busy, hectic, change-the-world-in-no-more-than-30days lives.
And we're sorry, but changing the world is just not a sacrifice we're willing to make. But alas, Trader Joe's is here to save us from that (or at least ease the transition from Wendy's--I still love you, spicy chicken sandwich--to healthy living) burden.

Trader Joe's, thank you for your "over 60 cereals under $3". And thank you for your wonderful frozen edamame, shareable by office staffs and friends alike. Thank you for your fresh and wonderful fruit, and for your lines for 12 or less items (what a random but sweet number!)
You have made my day bright and sunny, though still a bit windy, and I applaud you for your efforts and success at keeping my belly happy and full.

Until I return (in approximately 4 days),


Unknown said...

wow...I'm just as late (don't feel bad), because I JUST learned of how FAB TJ's is supposed to be just 2 weeks ago. I PROMISED my nutritionist I'd go, but got lazy and logged on to FreshDirect instead. i heard her say "it's really affordable", but affordable is relative, so i didn't bite.

not until i heard some must KNOW i LIVE off my cereal, so i think i'm in love!

HAVE to make that trip down to TJ's ( i go there all the time...givin' it a nickname :^P)...but yeah- thanks for sharing!

Tricia said...

Ohhh I wish there was a Trader Joe's in NYC! It sounds fabulous. Good recommendation!!

arinmaya said...

Tricia, first of all i love your blog! Second, there IS a TJ's in NYC. Right on 14th street btw 3rd & 4th avenues. Check it out--it stays a bit crowded, but it's a good feeling all around.
Go Go Go!